Learn about the various parts of a basic robot. Draw a robot modeled after a human, include a vision sensor, wireless communication receiver, sound sensor, gripper, actuator, and a power supply in your drawing.
Learn about Simple Robots often referred to as BEAM robots. What does the BEAM acronym represent? What makes a BEAM robot different than a more complex “intelligent” robot? What types of movements and positioning mechanisms are typical of a BEAMbot?
Robots have many applications and are used in many types of environments, but all of them have elements from three scientific fields: electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, and computer science. What does each of these fields contribute toward the making of a robot? List five different types of robots used today. For one of these robots, name three mechanical, electrical, and computer science aspects utilized in the creation of this robot. What are some of the biggest challenges to making a robot perform like a human?
Robots use gears to give motors purpose because they can be used to change direction, power, and speed of rotation. Explore how changing the size and the number of gears changes what they do. How does the number of teeth on two gears relate to the speed of each gear when they are linked together and one is turned? To demonstrate this, create a display with interchangeable gears made of cardboard, wood, or metal gears.
Design and build a simple, functioning robot using a robotics kit or design of your own. What are sensors and how can you incorporate them into your design? Demonstrate the functions of your robot to your Unit or Troop. Explain the function of your robot. Document your design in an engineering notebook or journal.
Interview someone who works with robots or teaches robotics. Why did they become interested in robotics? What educational plan did they follow to learn about robotics? Do they use robots in their everyday life? How do they think robots help humans? Share your findings in a presentation.