Pioneer/Patriot (PIPA)
What is the role of a CPU, a sensor, and an actuator? Name three different types of actuators commonly used in robots. What is the difference between Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) and biological systems, and why is there a debate amongst robot scientists?
Explain what is meant by robotic “degrees of freedom.” How many degrees of freedom are typically associated with the human arm? Find pictures or diagrams that illustrate the degrees of freedom, and find a minimum of three types or robotic actuators and three types of end effectors. Give examples of where each type is used
Learn about career opportunities in the field of robotics. Consider three and learn about the education, training and experience required for these careers. Choose one that interests you most and share it with your parent or Unit Leader.
Create a presentation of the definitions and examples of the following terms to share with your Unit and an Explorer Unit:
Explain the role of pneumatics in robotics. What would a designer choose pneumatics over another form of actuation? Create a simple robot using pneumatics as an actuator. Share your robot with a Tenderheart Unit.
Explore the basics of a programming language specific to robotics (EV3) Write a program that will command a robot to perform a specific task.
Research the necessary components of a successful robotics competition. Organize and hold a robotics competition for your Troop. Include competition levels that will allow Explorers to compete.