Tender Hearts
What is a robot? What does “robotic mean? What makes a robot different from other machines? Find at least five photos or drawings of robotic machines. These should include a minimum of three robotic machines that are used in an industry. Describe what these robots do.
There are six different types of simple machines (lever, screw, wedge, inclined plane, pulley, and wheel and axle). Make a drawing or bring examples of each of these simple machines found in your home. Are there simple machines in items that you use every day? How would these simple machines be useful in the design of a robot?
Think of a task you do every day that you would like a robot to do. What type of movements would it need to perform the job? What senses (touch, sight, smell, etc.) would it need to accomplish the task? Draw what this robot would look like.
Using common materials or model building supplies (building blocks, paper tubes, etc.), build a robot model. This robot does not need to perform a task. Share your model with your unit.
What is the name of the tool or attachment found at the end of the robotic arm? Describe several different variations of this part to your parent or Unit leader. What other parts do robots have both externally and internally? What could a robot use to move around, grab things, know what is around it, or follow instructions?